PNW CX 25 scaled up

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PNW CX 25 scaled up

Post by PNWcx25 »

Well here goes it, two years ago I purchased cs 23 plans with CX plans to over lay the cabin. A week after they arrived the wife and I went to the local boat show, as things go we lost each other, when I found her again she was standing in middle a beautiful 22' Arima Sea legend well adapted for the Pacific Northwest seas. I simply asked her what she thought of the boat, to my surprise she said " Why don't you make an offer of X dollars , because I play ( we had just retired) and don't want wait around while you build something. To my amazement the dealer expected the offer and the CS 23 plans where shelved. Two years later and quite a lot of traveling, rafting, skiing, sailing and fishing. I find myself with an empty goal, mind you I love my Arima, last night I got up the never to announce to the wife that I will begin building. Since I have the cs 23 plans, looks like I will be spending some time reviewing my long forgotten math skills to scale it to the CX25 ( two footites has set in) . Picked up some MDF for the stations today and will be laying those out over the next couple of days. it's going to be a slow build as she has no problem with me building it just so long as it dose not interfere with our fun. Wish me luck.
Last edited by PNWcx25 on Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by peter-curacao »

Maybe if you ask nicely :) and if they can find back your order, Bateau will exchange your 23" plans to 25", it is worth a try isn't it?
Good luck, post pics and progress I will follow this one 8)

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by jacquesmm »

Yes we'll exchange. Don't scale. There will be a small printing fee (our cost) but we'll do it.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by PNWcx25 »

Thanks Jacques, I'll get a hold of the order desk today.

Peter Thank you, I've followed you thread for several years now, quite the inspiration. I'd go with the Ferrari over the 383. :wink:

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by PNWcx25 »

Sent my plans back for an exchange, received the notice from ups they are on the way. :D Problem is I'll be in Costa Rica for a couple of weeks, hope the don't get sent back for lack of signature. I think this will be the first time I've wanted to cut a vacation short.

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by PNWcx25 »

Back from Coata Rica and the exchange plans where waiting for me. Thanks Joel for your promptness. Shipping charge check is on the way. I have a few projects to finish up this week and hopefully I will start cutting frames this weekend. Next I'll learn how to post pictures on this site. I've decided to built this boat out of foam rather than marine plywood for a couple of reasons - It should be lighter and all the other boats of this size appear to be out of plywood.

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by jacquesmm »

About building the boat in foam sandwich.
I can help you with scantlings. You need more glass and resin than for the plywood-epoxy version.
You need a different type of fiberglass, more layers and a different resin.
Start by reading this file that i wrote some years ago:

I will soon add another foam sandwich tutorial that will explain how to build a foam sandwich boat without using an intricate slat mold, with pre-skinned long panels.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by PNWcx25 »

Got started cutting out the molds over the weekend, mold A math was a stretch as I had to reach way back before the damages incurred during my 20's.

[img] ... ~0.jpg[url][/img]

After screwing up every single line on mold B I thought it best to head to the coast and get some razor clams, we got our limits.
[img] ... dium29.jpg
Back at it on Thursday, cut mold b and the bow mold finished the day laying out mold C. Have to go to Orange county for a board meeting next week so I wont have anything to add for a week or so.

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by PNWcx25 »

One should not learn how to post pictures when one has had some wine. Maybe tomorrow.

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Re: PNW CX 25

Post by dbcrx »

PNWcx25 wrote:Got started cutting out the molds over the weekend, mold A math was a stretch as I had to reach way back before the damages incurred during my 20's.


After screwing up every single line on mold B I thought it best to head to the coast and get some razor clams, we got our limits.
Back at it on Thursday, cut mold b and the bow mold finished the day laying out mold C. Have to go to Orange county for a board meeting next week so I wont have anything to add for a week or so.
Looking forward to seeing a foam build come together.
You were nearly right with your pics. The first one had an extra [/url] tag in it and the second had the [/img] tag returned onto the next line. Plus you'd linked from the thumbnails instead of the full size pic.
My photo gallery:

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