Penny HMD19 photos not showing up

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Re: Penny HMD19 photos not showing up

Post by Jaysen »

Ok. I figured this out. basically there is a certificate that I CAN NOT FIND somewhere in the redirect that only chrome thinks is expired. to make things worse, it is on the side of things (which is dead dead so I don't know what cert it is loading as is SHOULD be giving a name mismatch).

anyway... go to chrome setting, turn on developer tools, then go to view --> developer --> developer tools. Now visit the thread. Look in the long list of resources loaded for things in red. find an image and double click. Should open the image with an error about the the cert. Click through the warnings and it shoudl add the cert to the "ignore this bastard" list. thread should load normal.

Let me know if that helps. I know it's not a fix but... hopefully this is better than handing you 30grit toilet paper.
My already completed 'Lil Bit'. A Martens Goosen V12 set up to sail me to the fishing holes.
Currently working on making a Helms 24 our coastal cruiser.
My someday CK17
“Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens” wrote:Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.
Jaysen wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:44 pm I tried to say something but God thought I was wrong and filled my mouth with saltwater. I kept my pie hole shut after that.

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