VG23 New Build

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by OlivierP »

Much simpler than yours, it will be a traditional-looking river sailboat with an open deck and flat bottom inspired by the old workboats from the Loire Valley (a "futreau" if you look for it), but with a modern construction in plywood and S&G, built from my plans. As it's not a BBC design, not sure I'll document it here.
Built C17 app.php/gallery/album/262, GF14 app.php/gallery/album/263, Devlin Bella 16. Sails a 30ft Biloup 89 sailboat.

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by cape man »

I too am watching and hoping your flip is a success! Good to take a break before you go to it.
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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by mhd »

OlivierP wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 2:17 pm Much simpler than yours, it will be a traditional-looking river sailboat with an open deck and flat bottom inspired by the old workboats from the Loire Valley (a "futreau" if you look for it), but with a modern construction in plywood and S&G, built from my plans. As it's not a BBC design, not sure I'll document it here.
Very traditional design - I like it! Even if it isn't a BBC design, I hope you document it somewhere and post the link at least. It would be good to follow.

FB11 (Designer Evan Gatehouse)
VG23 (Designer Jacques Mertens)

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by mhd »

cape man wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 5:17 pm I too am watching and hoping your flip is a success! Good to take a break before you go to it.
Fingers are crossed :-) Couple of nights in Durango first, then up to Moab for a few more. Back via Denver early next week, although nothing set in stone currently.

FB11 (Designer Evan Gatehouse)
VG23 (Designer Jacques Mertens)

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, con a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. Robert A. Heinlein.

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by Netpackrat »

Yeah, not looking forward to the flip of my LC.... Realistically, I have a couple of options. The first is to just raise it up enough to get under it, and do all the back gouging and welding of the exterior seams in the overhead position. Yeah, right. Knowing my own limitations as a welder, I'll need to brace it up and flip it somehow. The build platform rolls, so it might be best to just roll it outside, and hire a crane or something to turn it over. We'll see. I have other problems to solve before I have to worry too much about that one.

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by mhd »

Netpackrat wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 11:39 pm Yeah, not looking forward to the flip of my LC.... Realistically, I have a couple of options. The first is to just raise it up enough to get under it, and do all the back gouging and welding of the exterior seams in the overhead position. Yeah, right. Knowing my own limitations as a welder, I'll need to brace it up and flip it somehow. The build platform rolls, so it might be best to just roll it outside, and hire a crane or something to turn it over. We'll see. I have other problems to solve before I have to worry too much about that one.
Yep, moving/turning heavy objects safely, and without damage, is a challenge. I plan to roll over the VG23 in its 4x4 "basket" out on the driveway. Lift it up as far as possible with car jacks. Then drill a couple of anchor points in the drive and use block-tackle to pull it over. Another restraining tackle will be on the other side to hold if from crashing down once its past the pivot point. That will get the boat 90 degrees over. Repeat to get the boat upside down, then onto the wheels and back into the garage. I'll post plenty of photos and a summary of how easy/hard it turns out to be.

For your boat, I can imagine turning it over is a better option than upside-down welding! I'm dire at welding, even the right way up :-) What weight do you estimate your boat will be when it is time to turn?

FB11 (Designer Evan Gatehouse)
VG23 (Designer Jacques Mertens)

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by Netpackrat »

Should be pushing a couple thousand pounds at that point. It won't have the deck plates, fuel tank, motor plate, or bow door on at that point, so maybe a little less, but as many have observed, Specmar doesn't seem to have skimped on structure when they designed it. The bow door is pretty heavy, and the motor plate is a big piece of 3/8". The fuel tank is 38 gallon size and for some reason they spec'ed 1/4" material for it, so that's what I got with the CNC cut package. But there will still be a lot there to flip, including a lot of 2x2 square tube reinforcement that will be in place by then.

A third option might be to try to get one of my friends who are actual marine welders, to come to Anchorage for a few days, to do the welding overhead. That could be an option, especially if I can get it raised up and all the seams back gouged ahead of time.

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by pee wee »

I knew a guy who was welding in a cramped position inside a plane tail (WWll bomber) and caught a lap full of sparks. He fell onto the ground pretty quickly! Stay safe!

Getting those big boats turned over will be a job; a lot of anxiety and then all of a sudden it's done. Lots of preparation to make sure it's safe, though.

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by mhd »

Had a good time away in Durango/Moab/Denver/Pueblo. But nothing quite like coming back to the house to the sound of dripping, and the smell of damp plasterboard. Enough to tell me that the feeling of being rested and semi-normal again, won't be lasting for long...

Leak from the boiler on the top floor, down into the garage. Stupid plastic fitting had come lose, god only knows how. I re-tightened to stop the leak, but will need to see how to make sure it doesn't happen again. The only good news is that the leak was down through the garage ceiling, onto the foredeck, then into the forecabin via the holes I'd drilled for deck hardware. The two odd-shaped lockers in there were completely full, and the compartment for the icebox had a few gallons in it also. The bilge pump came in handy. I reckon we removed around 30 gallons in total, including mopping up. I'll post some photos. That portion of the garage ceiling will need to be re-done with new plasterboard once everything had dried out.

Could have been much much worse,

I doubt we'll be getting the boat turned over for a day or two more.

FB11 (Designer Evan Gatehouse)
VG23 (Designer Jacques Mertens)

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, con a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. Robert A. Heinlein.

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Re: VG23 New Build

Post by cape man »

It's always something!!
The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before - Neil Gaiman

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