FS14 Lowered Sheer

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FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by BradleyD »

In my search for a small, capable backwater skiff (also inspired by Joel's FS17) I am building a low sheer FS14. Should be a good fit for the 9.9 four stroke and trailer I already have and a big upgrade from the far from stable aluminum V-hull I'm currently using.The idea will be to keep it a simple, lightweight boat with the only deviations from the original design being dropping the sheer 3", removing the mid seat top (keeping the frames cut down to 4"), and using the mid seat top material to extend the front deck. I should be able to get close to 60" of front deck without using any more total materials than original. Don't want to over do things with a sole, gunnels, etc. but will have a couple aluminum goodies to add. So far I have the hull panels tacked together and hope to be glassing the outside this weekend. I only have a picture of it's current state and not of any of the previous work though. Everything went together pretty nice except for my first boo boo gluing the starboard hull panel together with the rear section flipped upside down :oops: Luckily I caught it before the epoxy was fully cured and was able to use an oscillating scraper to cut through the semi soft glue. A little sanding and a new butt block and was back in business.


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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by Uncle D »

We'll be looking for more pics Bradley. If that is your only mistake your probably ahead of most of us.

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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by BradleyD »

Yesterday I rounded all the corners and glassed the outside. With the bad weather I wasn't able to get the outside and get any real decent shots but got a few from inside the cramped garage. Overall it went well with no real mishaps. This was my largest glass job by far and while it's not perfect, I was pleased with the outcome. With a little luck I will get hot and heavy on the fairing this week.




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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by BradleyD »

Between yesterday evening and today I was able to get my first coats of fairing compounds on and was in the process of sanding the first coat of QuickFair with the long board when it started getting a little too dark to see well. Also got the rub rail installed today too. I did have a little panic moment when I looked at the front view picture below and it looks like the tip of the bow is an inch or two to one side :help: I started breaking out the squares, levels, tapes, string, etc. and everything says it's withing a 1/4". The only think I can figure is the way the QuickFair is spread on the bow and the untrimmed rub rail is causing it to look that way when looking at it straight on :doh: I even started drawing lines in Microsoft paint and comparing them with my center marks I made on the boat and all seems well. We're supposed to have great weather this weekend so hopefully I can get a lot of sanding done over the next couple days.



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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by thb »

Pictures can be deceiving but boy it sure looks crooked in that view from the bow looking aft. eyeballing the keel line and projecting that to the bow is what gave me that impression. I don't think it will matter any at the end of the day as the boat will track based on the keel and skeg and bow will be out of the water on plane.

I put some light weight 6 oz cloth on the sides of my FS14 to protect against checking of the plywood. The sun down here caused my fl12 sides to check anywhere there was no cloth on it. The ply was BS1088 Meranti and it still checked. I am convinced that all exposed surfaces need a light layer of cloth for protection.

I look forward to watching your build on the low shear version and seeing what is looks like when flipped.

Tom in Steinhatchee :)

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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by BradleyD »

Tom I agree...it looks crooked as can be in the picture but both the bow tip and lower bow all measure square, holding a straight edge down the keel line and dropping a plumb bob, and a sqaure from the bow frame centerline shows it being straight to the point where the 1/4" ply meet behind the rub rail.
I put some light weight 6 oz cloth on the sides of my FS14 to protect against checking of the plywood. The sun down here caused my fl12 sides to check anywhere there was no cloth on it. The ply was BS1088 Meranti and it still checked. I am convinced that all exposed surfaces need a light layer of cloth for protection.
That's not cool...that's why I bought good ply :doh: Did yours check on the exterior of the hull where it doesn't get as much direct sunlight? I think I have enough 6oz to piece together a layer on the exterior but would hate to have to add the weight and take a step backwards.


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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by thb »


On the FL12, it only checked on the south facing side which saw sun all year long. Boat was pulled up on the bank of my lake facing east. It only checked where there was no fiberglass cloth. No checked where the side panels were joined on near the chine or transom where cloth and epoxy were. At least one coat of epoxy then primer and paint but she checked. The hull was painted black at the time and I am sure this contributed to the situation due to the black absorbing radiant energy. It is now coverd with 6 oz cloth which is really not very heavy. Painted an ice blue color now.

On my FS14 I also laid down 6 oz woven cloth on the sides to overlap the biaxial cloth at the chine. Also did the interior sides but not the frames. This light weight cloth will weigh 6 oz per square yard and epoxy will add another 6-12 oz per yard so all in all with a 10 yard roll of 50 inch wide fabric you will only end up adding 83 oz of cloth and the same weight of extra epoxy resin for grand total of 10 lbs. If you use 12 oz resin per square yard of fabric, then an extra 15 lbs.

i.e. , an extra bag of ice.

It was worth it to me to have the piece of mind that I would not have to deal with refinishing in a year or two due to checking.

Tom in Steinhatchee :)

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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by BradleyD »

Tom, thanks for the first hand info. I was under the impression the Meranti BS1088 did not check...hence one of the reasons for using it. I have wrestled in my mind today over what to do and think at this point it will not be any more work IF it does check in a year or two vs sanding what I have on there now. I'm hoping my saving grace will be that the boat is going to be painted white and the filler I spread over the epoxy coated/no cloth areas I mixed a little heavy in silica for an extra rigid coating instead of straight epoxy coating then Quick Fair.

And the bow definitely looks straigter after triming the rub rail and sanding some on the bow :D

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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by thb »

You will probably be fine between what you put on the outside and the light colored paint. I would not attempt to sand any of the existing stuff off, I would put 6 oz right on top of what you have already. A little more quick fair and then prime.

The OWMBO and I are passing thru Mobile today en-route to Biloxi for a little comic relief with the slot machines.
Whoop eeeeee. :lol:
Tom in Steinhatchee :)

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Re: FS14 Lowered Sheer

Post by BradleyD »

The best of luck to you two. It seems every time I've been to Biloxi lately all I do is help pay the light bill.

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