some coloring inconsistencies

sterling L.P. topcoats and primers
DB Michel
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some coloring inconsistencies

Post by DB Michel »


I have applied a second coat of Sterling top coat today but I still have some coloring inconsistencies, every where where I applied new paint with the roller there is a difference in color then the previous spot I painted.

Does anyone knows how I can prevent this ?

I tried to take a picture but you don't see it, to much reflection.


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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by jacquesmm »

Do you mean difference between two paint cans or from the same?
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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by DB Michel »

From the same can, but the difference in color is where I start with the roller . so every time I load the roller I put some new paint (2inch) on the previous paint that is brushed and after brushing the new load it remains different at the starting point.

I hope you understand , it's a bit difficult explaining .

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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by Cracker Larry »

Sterling takes several days to fully cure. The colors will probably even out over time.
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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by DB Michel »

Mmmmm probably keeps me a wake ,Larry

Let's hope you are right.

will give it a light sand and apply a 3 coat . :roll:

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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by pee wee »

I haven't used Sterling, but based on my other painting experiences I'd think it is flashing off too quickly- is there an additive recommended that would give more working time?

Different animal, but with lacquers you sometimes need to go to a slower evaporating thinner to get the right finish. :?:

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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by DB Michel »

I 've used the sterling brushing reducer and thinned it 35% ,maybe for the next coat I thinned it some more .

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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by pee wee »

DB Michel wrote:I 've used the sterling brushing reducer and thinned it 35% ,maybe for the next coat I thinned it some more .
I see the manufacturer says reduce 10% to 33% (another souce said up to 35%) for brush/roll application, don't think I'd try more reducer . . . is the weather there hot? Very dry? They say it works best between 21 and 29 degrees. I don't see an Awlgrip retarder offered for roll/brush application, the T0031 should be slow enough. Working by yourself not to roll more than 6 sq. feet(~1/2 sq. meter) before tipping with brush . . .

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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by Aripeka Angler »

I have painted Sterling on 3 different boats.
Especially if you are using a color other than white, you may be seeing the primer on the first coat.
Be patient, it will be evenly colored by the third or fourth coat :)
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Re: some coloring inconsistencies

Post by jacquesmm »

Yes, that maybe it.
It takes many coats to have a deep constant color. Nothing wrong, it doesn't take much paint per coat. I remember Joel painting the FS12 prototype with it and it took 4 coats before the color became uniform.
4 coats but less than a quart of paint total.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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