Panga 20 West Central Florida

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Panga 20 West Central Florida

Post by JASmine »

The offical clock has started!!

Ordered the epoxy and precut kits on 3/4/05. Epoxy arrived 3/7!!!!

Built model to find out where the "difficult" areas of the hull might's the BOW!! There are a couple of pics in my album of the model. I learned alot from building it...and I really like the shape..just the right combination of sharp entry and flat stern for my fishing Tampa Bay and the surrounding intercoastal areas.

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Post by JASmine »

Moved supplies and tools to a vacant garage a few miles from home over the last few days.
Completed the strongback this morning...
Just got the call from the freight company..they will deliver the precut kit tomorrow!
It's going to be a busy weekend..

I've also been watching Dynamo's progress and hopefully learning how to make the big camber bends..
Stay tuned..

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Post by jacquesmm »

I may go to Tarpon Springs on April 16th. If I go that way, I would love to stop by and see the assembly.
I should know more about that trip to the West Coast within 2 weeks.
Jacques Mertens - Designer

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Post by JASmine »

WOW!!!!!...a possible visit from the head guy!!! ~^ ~^

Seriously, Jacques, that would be fantastic if it fit's your schedule. Email me when you know...or call if it's more convienient.

Boy will this provide motivation :) :)

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Post by smilinmatt »


You're welcome to stop by my place and help me finish glassing in my stringers. :D

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Post by JASmine »

Precut kit arrived this afternoon. In 2 1/2 hrs all the parts were cut free and laid out in the looks good! Epoxied two layers of the transom so far..later tonight will add the third layer. Tomorrow I'll start assembling the frames on the strongback.

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Post by JASmine »

Started around 9:00 this morning and worked until 6:30 (less 1 hr for some lunch and a trip to Home Depot). Learned alot thru mistakes but eventually I got the hang of setting up the verticals and aligning the frames on the strongback. Got the transom,F,E, and D set, aligned, and braced. Spliced the stringers for an overnight setup.
Found one small cutting error but nothing serious.
Will try and place A, B, and C tomorrow along with gluing the 2 stringer sides together.
Next big item is figuring out how set the small end pieces of the center frames (see my gallery for some pics).

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Post by JASmine »

Was able to get in a few hours today. Got all the stations mounted and aligned. Everything went together easily after yesterday's learning experience (mistakes!!). Glued one stringer set together for an overnight cure. I may be able to get the outside arms of frames C, D, and E set up tomorrow.

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Post by JASmine »

Sorry for the duplicate entry
Last edited by JASmine on Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JASmine »

Worked for a few hours this afternoon. Cut the starboard notch in station F and lined up the stringer. Placed the starboard-side outside frame pieces (will mount them solidly tomorrow). Glued the Port-side stringer pieces for an overnite cure.

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