Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

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Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by Jaysen »

It's official. The Boss has ordered me to start building 'Lil Bit'. Her official decree was "You shall take me to the sand bars, both the ocean side and the one up town. You shall catch me fish and crabs and then you shall prepare them for my enjoyment. You shall buy the CNC kit to reduce swearing, blood letting, and the need to 'buy more wood' because ... you. It shall be the yellow you call 'fighting lady'. It shall have protection from oysters and it shall have an extra cladding of cloth to ensure it outlasts you. It shall be powered by the breath of God or your back, I do not want a motor to disrupt my peace and quiet."


Lil Bit will be a V12 configured for sail/row. Yellow hull with white-ish interior. Glass on hull exterior and graphite bottom. I will build from the "kit options". Primary use will be fishing and crab trapping here in the Broad River with pleasure trips for the Mrs. The name is signifiant as Mrs and I have been on a few larger sail boats (35+) and are likely to wind up in a situation where Lil Bit hangs our with her big sister "Whole Lotta". I'll be adding some bow reinforcement and lowering the bow ring to make it easy to make Lil Bit a tender in the future.

High level plan
1 July 18-25 -- Prep build outside build area including floor and roof (plywood and removable tarp)
2 Aug 1-12 -- Acquire primary materials (Bateau kits), shop materials/tools, and other misc materials (mast, sprit, rigging)
3 Aug 13-Sept 3 -- BUILD BUILD BUILD. I expect to have limited time thanks to the heat. But, since I work from home, a few hours every day is my goal. I'll also be keeping the resin/catalyst in the house, plus I'm going to request the slow cat to increase my work time.
4 Sept 4-9 -- Finishing. I hate finishing. She's a working boat. Fish don't care if she's ugly. Only the parts the boss will see need to look decent :)
5 Sept 10 -- Get her wet.

That's stupid levels of aggressive scheduling. Should be doable though. No kids. No commute. Wife wants it built. And I'm hoping that using all kits and being able to put 3-4hr/day into it will make it possible. If not... I'll just get her done a little later.

Once I'm done with my day I'll post some photos of the "shop" area and start the prep. The tarp hooks are already up so that should go pretty fast.
My already completed 'Lil Bit'. A Martens Goosen V12 set up to sail me to the fishing holes.
Currently working on making a Helms 24 our coastal cruiser.
My someday CK17
“Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens” wrote:Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.
Jaysen wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:44 pm I tried to say something but God thought I was wrong and filled my mouth with saltwater. I kept my pie hole shut after that.

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by Jeff »

Jaysen, a little aggressive but all planning should be!! By all means, feed us photos as often as possible to show the build!! Jeff

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by terrulian »

Since I'd estimate that 80% of the time my build could have been avoided by lowering the obsessive aesthetic standards that got out of control :help: I'd say you can do it. With the kit, you can have it looking like a boat in one day--if you can get the bow to come together.

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by Jaysen »

terrulian wrote:a little aggressive but all planning should be!
Well, there are some ulterior motives... If I take much longer than that to get her in the water, there will be a noticeable lack of fish and shrimp in the freezer. Not to mention a few more lump on my cranium for missing the "sand bar season".
terrulian wrote:Since I'd estimate that 80% of the time my build could have been avoided by lowering the obsessive aesthetic standards that got out of control :help: I'd say you can do it. With the kit, you can have it looking like a boat in one day--if you can get the bow to come together.
Yeah. You scared me with that finish. I'm prepared to use exterior house paint just to get it in the water. Not really, but since I'm working outside I do have to realize that protection is all I'm really going for. Sand, bugs, the neighbors cat... all likely to be permanently affixed to the hull, so there's not much point in a mirror finish. That and after spending way too much time working bright work for a Shannon 38, it's all getting painted on Lil Bit.
My already completed 'Lil Bit'. A Martens Goosen V12 set up to sail me to the fishing holes.
Currently working on making a Helms 24 our coastal cruiser.
My someday CK17
“Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens” wrote:Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.
Jaysen wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:44 pm I tried to say something but God thought I was wrong and filled my mouth with saltwater. I kept my pie hole shut after that.

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by glossieblack »

The boss has ordered me to start building 'Lil Bit'. Her official decree was "You shall take me to the sand bars, both the ocean side and the one up town. You shall catch me fish and crabs and then you shall prepare them for my enjoyment. You shall buy the CNC kit to reduce swearing, blood letting, and the need to 'buy more wood' because ... you. It shall be the yellow you call 'fighting lady'. It shall have protection from oysters and it shall have an extra cladding of cloth to ensure it outlasts you. It shall be powered by the breath of God or your back, I do not want a motor to disrupt my peace and quiet.
Well a man has to do what a man has to do Jaysen! Well written. :D
Currently building Jacques Mertens ST21 "Skinnydip". Boating adventures: Splash testing and using 'Skinnydip, as a basis of further building refinement; Adams 44’ sailing sloop "Great Sandy" (cruising and maintaining); Iain Oughtred Feather Pram "Mini Dip" (building); Jacques Mertens R13 "Wood Duck" (built and due for maintenance).

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by Jaysen »

Day one and the schedule has been disrupted.

This is the "shop" space. Floor will be 3/4" PT set on the sand. I will take the time to level the work surface, but the floor is just there for my comfort and to reduce sand pick up. The roof will be your basic tarp, 16x20. It will be attacked to the hooks in the wall and fence with simple cord. Nothing fancy.

looking east

looking west

shed side hooks

fence side hooks

The area is protected on all sides from direct wind. I have 220v40a power available at the box end of the building. Biggest issues will be stray bugs, cats, and the heat.
My already completed 'Lil Bit'. A Martens Goosen V12 set up to sail me to the fishing holes.
Currently working on making a Helms 24 our coastal cruiser.
My someday CK17
“Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens” wrote:Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.
Jaysen wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:44 pm I tried to say something but God thought I was wrong and filled my mouth with saltwater. I kept my pie hole shut after that.

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by topwater »

Don't worry bugs and other debris will sand right off . Hell if you find a cat glued to it just use a heavier
grit sand paper...should come right off :wink:
Novi 23 finally launched !

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by Fred in Wisc »

Stuck cats usually require a grinder. And eye/ ear protection. They really don't enjoy the process.

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by topwater »

Novi 23 finally launched !

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Re: Jaysen's V12 -- 'Lil Bit' of everything fun

Post by Jaysen »

I've been spending money!

Tarp and wood floor for workspace.

From Bateau we have
• V12_CNC
• V12_SL with 2gal foam
• V12_E
Asked to add
• 5yds 6oz biax
• bag graphite
• 1qt sys3 primer

From Amazon
• cheapish oars
• oarlocks
• gudgeons and pintles
• cart for moving

Left to purchase
• mast/spar/tiller wood
• misc rigging
• misc hardware
• mixing and measuring supplies
• disposable tools
• top coat close to fighting lady yellow
My already completed 'Lil Bit'. A Martens Goosen V12 set up to sail me to the fishing holes.
Currently working on making a Helms 24 our coastal cruiser.
My someday CK17
“Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens” wrote:Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.
Jaysen wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:44 pm I tried to say something but God thought I was wrong and filled my mouth with saltwater. I kept my pie hole shut after that.

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